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Destiny 2 Beta Thoughts

Having downloaded the beta yesterday and having played a bit of it. I thought that now would be the time to give my impressions of it.

So lets get started,having played quite a bit of the first one and having heavily enjoyed it. When i heard about Destiny 2 I was contemplating whether or not I would enjoy it as much as the first one. After waiting for the beta to download I booted it up and not going to lie was pretty excited to get to it.

The prologue mission began I picked the hunter class and it began the pure awesomeness of the destiny franchise. The shooting felt much better that being said I did have to change my sensitivity as the default one was too low. Once I had upped it a little bit I was good to go the mission has you fighting a variation of the cabal. Along the way you fight a bunch of elites which can be quite difficult if you're not careful. I really enjoyed it,it had that feeling which I enjoyed from the first one yet it still manged to feel new and exciting. The first mission has a bit of length to it which is awesome it allows you to get a feel of the game. After you finish it you get a menu which allows you to play PVP,PVE and invite friends.

I enjoyed it myself and will continue playing till it finishes on Sunday. I will definitely be getting the game at launch.

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